The Daily Grind Video

If every person in this world did one selfless thing each day to help someone else, I believe we would see people’s lives drastically change. We would see more love in the world, more gratitude, and much more human compassion. Take a moment to think about your own life … have you done something today to help someone else knowing that you may receive nothing in return? What about this week? This month? This year? What about ever?

My mother is the one who planted the seed in me. From a very young age I can remember her taking us to the soup kitchen around the holidays to feed the homeless. She took us on a month long trip to Brazil and in addition to all the fun we had, she made sure we visited orphanages and the ghettos of Rio De Janeiro. We saw what poverty really means and we learned to appreciate all that we had. It was again in college; my mother told me she would buy me a new laptop for school if I found a student in my class to give my old one to. She told me that I had to find someone who didn’t have a computer, someone that couldn’t afford one and I was not allowed to tell them WHY I was giving it to them! It was simply an act of kindness from one human being to another. I expected nothing in return but what I gained was immeasurable … for the first time in my life I felt PURE joy and happiness. I couldn’t believe how amazing it felt to help someone else just because…


“Be the change,” taken from Mahatma Gandhi’s famous quote, is tattooed on my left foot. I got this tattoo after spending 10 days in Bangladesh with a woman who started a company promoting fair trade in third world countries. This trip reminded me of those slums in Rio I saw as a child but worse. It was dirty, it smelled, there was garbage everywhere; there were no sanitation guidelines or rules for food preparation; people crowded around me and fought for my change; and children roamed the streets barefoot and bathed in a river full of trash. But I was there to selflessly give to these people … and the people of Thanapara, Bangladesh gave back to me that same joy I felt in college.

It was in Bangladesh that I realized how much I took for granted and what real “problems” looked like. I kept thinking how I had never once gone a day in my life without food to eat, water to drink, or a bed to sleep in. THERE HAD NEVER BEEN ONE DAY OF MY LIFE THAT I EVER HAD TO WORRY ABOUT ANY OF THOSE THINGS and yet there are millions of people around the world who struggle to secure those basic necessities of life each and every day. Have you ever had to fight with someone over who was going to eat? Have you ever had to drink dirty water because that is all that you had? Have you ever slept outside because you had no place to go? I would venture to guess that you haven’t… I came home from Bangladesh with joy in my heart but also a need to do more. I wanted to quit complaining about everything in my life and actually get out in the world and make a difference for people with real “problems.” I wanted to be the change…


While it was lovely to take a 10-day trip half way around the world, I needed to find ways to help others at home. Without a clue as to what I wanted to do, I came home and signed up for an amazing volunteer organization in NYC called NY Cares and started doing all different types of volunteer projects. I knew that going to feed the homeless, spending time with the elderly, teaching underprivileged kids to swim, teaching computer skills to adults in rehab, getting immigrants ready for their Citizenship interviews, and the other projects I was doing through NY Cares seemed like little things. But what I realized over the 4 years I’ve been volunteering through them is that the simple fact that I’m doing something is what counts. And the joy that I receive from giving has made me whole. I’m trying to make this world a better place and I think you should too. Could you imagine how much better our world would be if every person donated just one hour of their time each week to helping other people? 


If time isn’t something you can or want to give, then do other things. Give money if you can. It doesn’t need to be much. Just think of how much money we all waste on dumb things every month?  Stop buying bottled water and make a promise to yourself to donate that money to a charity that builds water wells in developing countries (Check out Epic The Movement. Promise to give $1/day to a charity that you feel passionate about. Maybe it’s youth self esteem (Check out Healthy Is The New Skinny.) Maybe it’s disaster relief. Maybe it’s animals. It really doesn’t matter what you do as long as you do something. We are all too blessed in this country and we take so much for granted and it’s time we all wake up and realize we can help others while living the life we want to live!! No one is saying to give up everything you have or sacrifice what you want … just take a look at your life and see where you can give of yourself and DO IT!!!  It doesn’t have to even be a physical thing … it can be emotional. Sometimes simply smiling at a stranger can go a long way…

Annalaina Marks 

Annalaina Marks is an actress, model and humanitarian, who has appeared in various films, television programs and publications. 


Annalaina Marks is an actress, model and humanitarian, who has appeared in various films, television programs and publications. 


Annalaina Marks is an actress, model and humanitarian, who has appeared in various films, television programs and publications. 


Annalaina Marks is an actress, model and humanitarian, who has appeared in various films, television programs and publications. 


Annalaina Marks is an actress, model and humanitarian, who has appeared in various films, television programs and publications.


Annalaina Marks is an actress, model and humanitarian, who has appeared in various films, television programs and publications.


Annalaina Marks is an actress, model and humanitarian, who has appeared in various films, television programs and publications.