The Daily Grind Video

It had been a stressful day. I grabbed my coins from the change dispenser and thanked the cashier for my receipt. Bags in hand I frantically searched for my car keys as beeps from random scanned items rang in the distance. In a rush, I walked toward the double doors which slid open and a gust of cold air blew through the doorway revealing an elderly man slowly shuffling towards me with the aid of a walker. As we began to pass he looked up at me and with the kind eyes, he unexpectedly smiled. Naturally, I couldn’t help but smile back. It tripped me out that somehow despite this old mans obvious ailments, stresses, and circumstances he still was positive enough to offer his smile to a complete stranger. The illest part about it is, that simple gesture changed my entire day and reminded me of this quote…

‘Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only
sunshine he sees all day.’ -H.Jackson Brown, Jr.

Smile On Dreamers…
Just a thought. Be well. Rock. Miguel.