The Daily Grind Video

First let me start off by saying I’ve never been in a real relationship. I always came close, but never made it to girlfriend status. It just always seems to trouble me that, the guys I’ve encountered all said they loved me. As I sit here, I think to myself how foolish of me to believe them. For instance, the last guy in my life swore up and down that he loved me. We did not know eachother very well, and as foolish as it may seem, I loved him too. We were making plans to be with one another, and I was so elated. I was happy because I believed I was finally going to have a relationship. Recently however this woman has came back into his life, and she wants to rekindle what they had in the past. Now the person that I thought, I was so in love with does not know if he wants to be with me. Which leads me to the question if you really love someone would the decision be a hard one for you to make? I know if I were in his shoes and my ex decided to come back into my life, there would be no second guessing I would be with him. I guess that’s one reason why men and women are different. We lead with our hearts sometimes, rather than our minds. Everything inside of me is telling me to let him go, but my heart is telling me this could be the one. Then I go back to thinking if he’s the one for you, she should not be an option. Why do we use the term so loosely? Do any of us know what it really means?