The Daily Grind Video


Federal immigration policies and state laws, such as Arizona’s harsh SB 1070, are creating human rights crises in communities around the country.

These laws are destroying families while attempting to legitimize racism, racial profiling, and the scapegoating of immigrants.They enforce cruel conditions that needlessly separate mothers from their children and restrict access to basic health care and education. 

This brings us to The Call, a five-minute film produced by global human rights group Breakthrough, which brings immigrant women’s rights to the forefront of the political agenda.

The film tells the story of one immigrant family faced with an impossible choice, focusing on the true story of Sonia as she faces deportation and the fear of what will happen to her daughter.

The film is the centerpiece of #ImHere, a high-impact, pop-driven campaign designed to put the human rights of immigrant women on the national agenda of the United States during this election season.

It is a powerful film and you must take 5 minutes to watch it.

For more information about the film, click over to and do you part and check out the #ImHere campaign.