The Daily Grind Video

It’s been a long process, but Election night is finally here! 

This evening starting at 7 o’clock, we will start to find out who our next president will be. Will Barack Obama get a second term, or will Money Myth Romney steal a close one? 

STORY: Chill With The Ballot Pics! Here’s What You CAN’T Do At The Polls

If you’ve been paying attention like we have, then you’ve sat through Barack’s poor performance in Denver during the first debate. 

You also saw Joe Biden make Paul Ryan look like a little kid begging a man to get his football back after it accidentally landed in his yard during the VP face-off. We’ve seen Obama check Romney and tell him to check the transcripts, and we’ve heard Barack Obama school Mitt on the fact that there are no more horses and bayonets in the military. 

Let’s face it! This has been a nasty election, so what better way to end it then by getting white boy wasted? 

Here are the rules.

We have made a bunch of code words. Let’s call them zingers. Whenever you hear these zingers, you drink. These zingers come in 3 levels: 1 sip, 2 sips and shots. You ready? Let’s go! 

1 Sip Words:

If a state goes to Obama, everyone to the left of the TV takes a sip. If a state goes to Romney, everyone to the right of the TV take a sip of their drink. 

When the words fire wall state, swing state, 270, Bush tax cuts, flip-flop, exit polls, campaign, and economy come up, you take a sip. 

2 Sip Words: 

Bengazi, battleground states, polls close, 47 percent, China, first debate, when someone mentions their Twitter page. 

Whenever you see a live shot of one of the candidates. 

Everytime Rev. Al Sharpton rhymes his sentence. 

Everytime Anderson Coopers makes a joke. 

Everytime Sean Hannity criticizes Obama. 


Whenever someone says “Horses and Bayonets.”

Whenever the station cuts to live commentary from John Sonunu, David Alexrod, Robert Gibbs, or Newt Gingrinch.

If someone mentions binders full of women. 

Happy drinking!