The Daily Grind Video

Dear Ms. CEO, Sister PHD, Madame Go-Getter, and young Sister Soldiers ready to change this nation,

Why do you hurt each other so much?  So many of you have inspired me and young women like me. So when we see you HATIN on us or each other it hurts. Now, that I am being referred to as a fierce go getter myself. I am starting to feel more HATE towards me by my own sisters each day. I am proud to be in a class of women that are changing the world. Women that are accomplished businesswoman, innovative entrepreneurs, social change agents, divas, and mothers of tomorrow are hurting each other.

We need to be asking each other why we cannot be happy for each other. Why can’t we celebrate each other without tearing each other down?

Why am I writing you this letter? On Tuesday my friends and I decided to do more than complain about gun violence. We decided to go to our state capitol and advocate against SB101 and HB512. Two Bills that could allow guns on college campuses and in bars this would not be good for our community.

Feeling really empowered after talking with Senators about our points. We all felt like the bills would not pass. We started walking down our state Capitols steps. Like many teens we wanted to document the day. We took one photo and proudly uploaded to FB.  Not two minutes after I posted the photo did I get the Sister Hate. “How can she represent inner city youth and carry a $400 bag?” “She should be more humble”  “The purse does not even go with the pants “and etc.…

I suddenly started reflecting on what Gabby Douglas and other young on the rise women have experienced.  Sister HATE! What does it matter if my purse was $400.00 or if it did not match? I was advocating for my community and if they thought I was feeling myself too much. Why would they have in boxed me? I must admit I was hurt and thought about removing my photo but did not.

Instead I will use it for a teachable moment if you are prominent women with degrees and status I challenge you to let each other now when you hear each other tearing each other down. That means if you see a women in the mall with a beautiful shape give her a compliment instead of a sly remark. Try to mentor each other lift each other.  We owe it to the next generation, we owe it to each other lets stand together and be the support for each other. For those of you who have it figured out: share this with others. My mom has always told me. “Give as you get,” she relayed.

It’s really simple, and powerful. As we begin to get the position that can open doors, we must give others the same chance. Everyone then can shine. We all can stand together with each other supporting and lifting each other up in love. Let’s change the culture of Black women Hatin on each other it starts with you.  

-Marypat Hector