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Police in Canada say that 368 children around the world have been rescued after a sweeping child pornography investigation. The Project Space operation also saw the arrest of 348 people, making it one of the largest child porn busts the police have ever seen. Police said 108 of those people were arrested in Canada and 76 in the U.S. Others were arrested in other countries. Read about it, here…[AP]

A mother in Albuquerque, New Mexico has been banned from her daughter’s elementary school for the way she smells. Kerri Mascareno was diagnosed with Stage 4 breast cancer in August and is currently undergoing chemotherapy to shrink her tumor. The school’s principal, Robert Abney, told Mascareno that he understands where she’s coming from (his mother also had breast cancer and had the same smell) but that she could no longer be in the school because she made his employees ill. Rude much? [Gawker]

Surprise, surprise. When two Belgian university professors decided to do toxicology screenings on the 10 most borrowed books at the Antwerp library, they discovered that all 10 books contained traces of cocaine, but the most popular erotic series, Fifty Shades Of Grey, tested positive for traces of the herpes virus. We wonder how that happened. Nope, nevermind, don’t want to know…[TIME]

State media in China announced that the country’s one-child policy, brought in during the 1970s to control China’s huge population, will be relaxed. The change to the family planning law will let couples have two children if one of them is an only child, state news agency Xinhua said, citing a “key decision” made by leaders at this week’s gathering, known as the Third Plenum. [Telegraph]