About Dr Benjamin Chavis

One point that is absolutely clear is that the President of the United States is no political coward. President Barack H. Obama made history by backing historic health care reform across America when everyone thought that successful political battle would negatively hurt his chances for re-election.  But to President Obama’s leadership credit, he put the […]

What is the real motive of some of the so-called human rights and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) that consistently propagate a negative image about Africa and about African people?  Do they really care about Africa?  Or are there other more profound sinister motives by these groups that only highlight and disseminate often inaccurate and harmful information […]

The new forensic voice analysis of the desperate sound of the pleading cry for help captured on the 911 tape recording on that tragic night of the murder of Trayvon Martin in Sanford, Florida back on February 26, 2012 is just the latest piece of evidence of the horrible and tragic last moments of a […]

Years ago, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. once said, “Peace is not the absence of war, it is the presence of justice.”  How true whether it is in a remote village today in Kandahar, Afghanistan where the senseless murder-massacre of nine innocent children under the age of 12 and eight others is being mourned and protested […]

We take due notice of the six-month anniversary of the Occupy Wall Street movement.  The National Urban League just presented Occupy the Vote at Howard University in Washington, DC on the occasion of the release of the League’s 2012 Annual State of Black America Report.  The Occupy movement has grown and expanded in every state […]

Voting rights in the United States of America are precious, inalienable and sacred. In fact, the right to vote is not just a civil right in a particular nation; it is also a fundamental universal human right of every person of voting age in every nation throughout the world.  But it was “the blood” that […]

All of humanity continues to be irreversibly uplifted by the indefatigable leadership and irrepressible spirit of Nelson Mandela.  South Africa, the African National Congress (ANC), as well as all people throughout the world should pause with the greatest of respect while “Madiba” is still alive to express the highest tribute to him for a lifetime […]

The entire world community will continue to be positively impacted by the unprecedented, creative and spirit-edifying eloquent contributions from the gifted-voice and artistic genius of Whitney Houston.  While we affectionately mourn her passing with the greatest of sorrow and condolence, we should take this moment forthrightly to affirm the living legacy of Whitney and not be […]

The issue of income inequality in America demands our attention and social action.  In particular in the African American community, the economic inequities are so real and institutionalized; we are more and more aware of how the devastating impact of income inequality continues cause a downward spiral of the quality of life for African Americans […]

Martin Luther King’s dream of an inclusive, equitable, fair and just transformation of American society is being fulfilled today by the Occupy Wall Street (OWS) movement.  The tenacity, perseverance, and courage of the mostly young participants in OWS deserve our unrelenting encouragement and support.  I am so pleased to join the ranks of OWS with […]

The recent breaking news that Grammy award-winning artist T.I., Clifford Harris, was rearrested and imprisoned again solely because U.S. prison authorities were upset that T.I. was transported inside a “shining luxury” tour bus from a federal prison in Arkansas after being released from the prison to travel to Atlanta to report as scheduled to a […]

Literally millions of people on each continent throughout the world paused on July 18, 2011 to recognize and to celebrate the birthday of the living legend, Nelson Mandela.  As an African American, I personally joined the ranks of the African National Congress (ANC) more than 40 years ago while I was a younger Black community activist […]