About Drew Sidora

Hello Hello Global Grindivas! Being in the industry I’ve had the chance to meet and interact with many different types of men.  I’ve come to realize that they pretty much fall into one of two categories.  Either he’s a Cat or a Lion.  It is important to understand that it’s not our goal to meet […]

Hello My Global Grinditas!!! I recently took a little down time to see my Father for Daddy’s day, and it made me realize how truly blessed I have been.  First let me wish a belated Happy Father’s Day to all the Father’s that do their best to raise their children!! As I do more mentoring […]

Ok Global Grindettes summer is almost here so you KNOW why I picked my topic this week! He says he had a moment, he was confused, drunk etc. anything to justify his slip into H*edum, only for you to later learn he was simply a Habitual H*e. I know it sounds so cliche’ but honestly […]

Industry Insider Tip #1 – My Biggest Asset is not my A$$! Okay you guys, me and my hip hop artist Ni’chelle Genovese were swapping stories the other day and we were WEAK at how many people LIE!  Everyone wants to seem a little more important or a little more well off than they are.  They may […]

Reminding myself not to fall in love with who I THINK he is. Hello again Global Grinders!! I had a listening party for my upcoming album and a few ladies approached me about one of my songs – “I’m in love with who I thought he was.” We seem to all find ourselves in this […]

Reminding myself not to fall in love with who I THINK he is. Hello again Global Grinders!! I had a listening party for my upcoming album and a few ladies approached me about one of my songs – “I’m in love with who I thought he was.” We seem to all find ourselves in this […]

Within this week our world has felt one of the most catastrophic natural disasters in present times. Haiti has the 3rd highest poverty levels in the western hemisphere. It’s a real shame that something of this proportion had to occur in order for the world to finally see the importance of aiding our fellow man. […]