About Michael Skolnik

His wheelchair barely fit. It was motorized, but the torn leather from its seat showed its age. The small storefront in a shopping center in Liberty City, Miami was over-flowing with people, so he sat near the door as his wheelchair had little space to move. Quietly, he sat, throughout the whole meeting. People spoke […]

A moment that has defined our year. A moment that might have defined our generation. A moment that occurred on February 26, 2012 in Sanford, Florida. A moment when a 17-year-old young man was walking home with a bag of Skittles and a can of iced tea in his hands, approached by another man with […]

What if… Mothers wail. Grandmothers sit in silence. Fathers seethe with anger. Friends stand by the door, not fully accepting the reality of their loss. Girlfriends’ bodies shake uncontrollably while tightly gripping sides of caskets. Little cousins play in the aisles. Teachers try to hold onto the ones who might be next. Pastors offer God’s […]

We grew up in project buildings. We grew up at the end of cul-de-sacs. We grew up five miles from the nearest house. We grew up in America. We come from backgrounds of luxury and struggle. We finished school with honors, and we dropped out. We voted for the first time, and we only just […]

I grew up in an all white town. Except for one street. The street I lived on. My next door neighbors were black. Next to them was another black family. And beside them was a Jamaican family. Across the street lived the Venezuelans. And down the block lived the Mexican family. The other end of the block […]

During the next four years, 48,000 Americans will be murdered with a gun. During the next Presidential term, we will witness 48,000 funerals. Enough people to fill up over 200 movie theaters. 200 dark nights. One of the survivors of that dark night, Stephen Barton, who was shot in the face, has released a powerful, powerful video this morning […]

And so we begin. Voting for the President of the United States of America has begun. People in Iowa are lining up this morning casting the first ballots of this year’s election. Early voting. Barack Obama’s road to a second term depends on us. The turn-out. What kind of power will our generation show? We must be the first. […]

Time is running out for Governor Romney. Clock is ticking loudly in his ear. Tick. Tock. Money can’t buy him out the hole he has dug himself into. Real talk, Mitt’s got one last chance left to make the American people believe that he is not just a “made for TV” President. Not even Biggie Smalls could help […]

As Money Mitt Romney’s campaign continues its downward spiral, the one word that I haven’t heard a whole lot is honesty. Mitt Romney is a dishonest politician. It doesn’t mean that he is a dishonest person outside of politics, but the man has told so many stories, that we simply no longer believe him. I don’t see him overcoming […]

To The Young People Of Libya, Egypt, Tunisia, Sudan, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Lebanon, India, Bangladesh, Philippines, Indonesia, Yemen, Kashmir, Palestine, Morocco, Nigeria, Iran, Bahrain, Turkey, Syria and Iraq, In life there are moments of definition. Moments that define us. Moments that speak of who we are. That explain our humanity. Our compassion. Our dignity. We own these moments. We are […]

I remember when I was 8 years old walking to the bus stop. I had a cheap walkman, one of those that only had a fast forward, so you had to take the tape out and flip it over if you wanted to rewind. Peter Piper picked peppers, but Run rocked rhymes…I repeated over and […]