About Amee Mola

My daily goals focus on creating an environment for editors where their lives are free to be creative and focus on making great content.

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There is an iOne2 gallery embedded right below this sentence: Trying one from a subscribed site: This one from an Ione2 site that had a gallery listed (Testing to see if it is permission settings)

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce vitae placerat sem. Ut tristique hendrerit odio. Aenean scelerisque, erat id aliquam porttitor, velit massa commodo mi, id varius erat neque eu nisl. Aliquam imperdiet massa lorem, in vulputate diam gravida eget. Mauris at ex purus. In at sagittis enim. Ut nulla nisl, condimentum id dapibus […]

Al Sharpton’s annual National Action Network conference kicked off this week with a panel that allowed the mother of Michael Brown to reveal some startling truths about her troubles since losing her son last summer. In the panel, moderated by Iyanla Vanzant, Lesley McSpadden spoke about losing her son and how she’s received support from people all over the world, but is […]

A Detroit mother of four was arrested on Tuesday after police found two of her children frozen to death in their apartment building’s deep freezer. The 36-year-old mother was taken into police custody after a bailiff arrived at her home to issue an eviction notice. She also confessed to killing her children, but didn’t explain […]