In honor of her birthday, check out a special list of facts you may not have known about the late, great Aaliyah inside.

Saucy Santana is not next up, because the rapper has arrived. Check out a gallery of 10 fun facts to know him inside. 

Jordyn celebrates her birthday today. Head inside to show her some love.

Candyman raked in an estimated $22,370,000 in its domestic weekend debut, beating the projection of $15 million by 50 percent. This incredible opening weekend performance made director Nia DaCosta the first Black female director to debut a film at number one. DaCosta makes history with record-breaking numbers. 

Forrest Gump starring Tom Hanks was released on this day July 6, 1994. For 27 years, Forrest Gump has provided outstanding cinema for its fans across the world to enjoy. We will happily take you through a world of behind-the-scenes moments you have yet to discover. 

Even today, Tupac continues to inspire generations of creatives and activists.

Tune into the show Sunday, February 24 at 8 p.m. ET on ABC.

What you need to know about one of the peskiest bugs on the planet.

All the things we never knew about our second favorite day of the week.