An interracial couple from Brooklyn had to endure violent, racist attacks from two White men this past Saturday. Anna, a White woman originally from Moldova, and John, a 42-year-old Black man from Trinidad, were planning to celebrate their sixth anniversary when the attacks occurred outside Coney Island Hospital. They had just parked their car at […]

Director John Ridley is receiving major backlash for not including more Black women in his new series Guerilla, but his reason behind the decision is what has everyone talking. In the upcoming Showtime series, Idris Elba, Freida Pinto and Babou Ceesay play activists in London attempting to free a political prisoner in the 1970s. Viewers who attended a […]

The Internet is going crazy over the latest State Farm ad, which shows a Black man giving a wedding ring to a White woman.

The upcoming movie Get Out tells the story of a young African-American man who visits his White girlfriend’s family estate, and gets caught up in a more sinister reason for the invitation.

And you thought TV's first interracial kiss was between Star Trek's Captain Kirk and Lieutenant Uhura in 1968.

An interracial couple is completely outraged after they received a valet ticket while leaving a popular restaurant that had a racist remark. According to WSBTV, U.S. Army Sgt Major Samuel Aarons and his wife Candea were highly offended when they found their ticket had “jungle fever” written on it. Candea said of the matter: ‘We have […]