It’s almost been a year since one of Trayvon Martin’s best friends, Rachel Jeantel, took the stand to tell his side of the story regarding the fateful night his life was taken by George Zimmerman, the neighborhood watchman who was later found not guilty in the 2012 killing of the 17-year-old. Despite having to deal […]

Looks like the camera loves Rachel Jeantel! Earlier this week, Rachel appeared on Piers Morgan’s CNN show and today, she made another guest appearance on Huffington Post Live. Rachel spoke on many topics ranging from Trayvon Martin, to George Zimmerman, her Piers Morgan interview, Don West and much more. But, one of the moments that stood […]

Looks like Juror B37 and everyone who came for Rachel Jeantel can eat their words now. Who’s uneducated now? Jeantel, a close friend of Trayvon Martin’s who was also the last to speak to him before he was murdered, has just been given the gift of all gifts. A full scholarship to any Historically Black […]

Regardless of your stance on the Zimmerman trial, we can all agree that it took great strength and courage for the friends, family and loved ones of Trayvon Martin – the 17-year-old who was shot and killed while walking home in Sanford, Florida – to take the stand. Four people (one friend and three relatives) testified regarding […]

We can’t remember the last time a Monday was so eventful. But last night, CNN had George Zimmerman trial coverage on lock with exclusive interviews from the prosecution’s star witness, Rachel Jeantel, and the first juror to come forward after the trial, B37. We couldn’t turn our eyes away from both…and for very different reasons. […]