Some of your favorite websites are protesting to show their unhappiness over two Internet-regulation bills heading to Congress today.  Sites such as Wikipedia and Reddit are in protest of Congress’ proposed anti-piracy legislation. EXCLUSIVE: Stop the Online Piracy Act And Stop Rep. Lamar Smith  During the black out period, many web pages will become unavailable […]

Gizmodo has published the complete list of all the companies who support SOPA, the law that, if passed, will change the way we all use the internet. STORY: The Best Tumblrs Of The Year! Long story short, SOPA seeks to punish anyone who uses copyright protected images and music in any capacity, including things for reviews […]


He’s a Rat, turncoat, stool pigeon, snake, Benedict Arnold, Judas, informant, tattletale, nark, deep throat, whistle blower, double-crosser, and blabbermouth. All to describe one thing snitch, they say ‘snitches get stitches’ or ‘snitches are bitches that get stitches’, well what exactly is snitching? Is snitching when you witness a crime and you tell the police […]