The Daily Grind Video

<p>Perhaps we&rsquo;re not as racial friendly as we think we are.</p><p>Looking at this year&rsquo;s census had me thinking, just how far have we progressed through our racial stains. The 2010 US Census uses the words: &ldquo;Black,&rdquo; &ldquo;Negro&rdquo; and &ldquo;African American,&rdquo; interchangeably to the point that it begs the question: what kind of bull is the government pulling? The last time I&rsquo;ve seen the word negro was in a history book and the last time I heard it was on one of those old time movies with Mantan Moreland or Stepin Fetchit. That word alone brings to mind another word commonly used in the olden days of yesteryear &ndash; you know it: &ldquo;boy.&rdquo;</p>