


<p>ROPED TOGETHER BY KHALID STRICKLAND a.k.a. BLACK PACINO</p><p><em>&ldquo;She&rsquo;s pretty tied up, hangin&rsquo; upside down/She&rsquo;s pretty tied up and you can ride her&hellip;&rdquo;-Guns n&rsquo; Roses, PRETTY TIED UP</em></p><p>Don&rsquo;t get it twisted, I&rsquo;m not into tyin&rsquo; chicks up&hellip; unless it&rsquo;s in conjunction with a robbery or kidnapping.</p><p>Well, that ain&rsquo;t entirely true. The thought crosses my mind when […]





<p>CORONATION BY KHALID STRICKLAND a.k.a. BLACK PACINO</p><p>During an online foray, I found pics of a random Asian model who shall remain nameless.&nbsp; She was solidly built and out of curiosity, I scrolled through the comments for a people&rsquo;s verdict.&nbsp; Most were the usual thirsty fare but one dude wrote to no one particular:</p><p><em>&ldquo;Ya&rsquo;all think (so […]

I love Zoe Saldana, she’s the epitome of sexy slim to me. Her body is magnificent, her face is flawless and well I’d do things to her on live paid per view that would make a porn star look at the screen and say eww that’s just nasty. She’s in the Dec issue of Details […]

            It’s Mya! What do you rate her cakes?