
A word to the wise: spur of the moment decisions are ALWAYS the best ones.  Case in point: Last month, a friend and I decided to take a quick a study break to attend an info session hosted by the MIT Nigerian Students Association. The topic was Vote or Quench, a non-partisan, social media-driven, grassroots […]


Will England vs USA World Cup 2010 be the fight for supremacy? Will this match define the true super power of the world? Ask certain soccer fans and just might say YES. This is the most anticipated match at this years World Cup,England vs USA. Soccer is the biggest sport on the planet and everyone […]


The sound of Nneka makes you want to dance.  The sound of Nneka makes you want to sing.  The sound of Nneka makes you want to fight for what’s right. The sound of Nneka makes you proud to be a fan.  The mixture of afro-pop, Nigerian groove, soul, folk and rap makes this new artist’s […]