The Daily Grind Video

Ex-Felon Girl

       I was a pretty good kid until my father passed away of cancer when I was 18. I started to making bad grades, staying out late, stealing, lying, and just did what ever I wanted. I went so far as to writing checks out of my mothers checkbook. Soon my mother and the bank caught onto what I was doing.

       In December 2005 at the age of 19 I was convicted of fraud witch is a felony. I was sentenced to 2 years probation and restitution. At this point I had missed too many classes at my local community college and I was not able to get any more financial aid because of my felony charge. I also had a very hard time finding a job. All I could get was dead in fast food jobs. I am now 23 years old and still have a hard time getting jobs that are half way decent. My goals are to get a decent job and save money so I can get back in college and get on with my life. My probation will be up in March 2011 and at that time I will be able to work on getting my record pardoned.

       My goal for this blog is to help myself and others in the same situation work together to find resources and guidance to enhance the quality of our lives.