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Yes you read the headline correctly President Barack Obama and Osama Bin Laden are homies! Well it depends on who you are asking, if you are talking to someone from the Republican party, they probally believe that statement full heartedly.

According to a survey released on Monday, August 30, a majority of Republicans believe that President Barack Obama, ‘sympathizes with the goals of Islamic fundamentalists who want to impose Islamic law around the world.’

This figures from the Newsweek public opinion poll reflects the extent to which a shocking bit of misinformation has managed to become nearly commonplace within the GOP tent.

In the Newsweek poll 14 percent of Republicans said it was ‘definitely trueObama sympathized with the fundamentalists and wanted to impose Islamic law across the globe. There was an additional 38 percent said that it was probably true, bringing the total percentage of believers to 52 percent.


Only 33 percent of Republicans said that the ‘allegation‘ ,as Newsweek put it, was ‘probably not true.‘ Seven percent said it was ‘definitely not true.’ The rest (eight percent) either didn’t know the answer or didn’t read the question.

The statistics from the Newsweek poll are adding more fuel to the already heated debate around the rumors that Obama is a closeted Muslim, he isn’t in case you were wondering. The Newsweek poll found that almost one quarter of the country, 24 percent, believe Obama is a Muslim rather than his declared Christian faith


In an illustration of just how deeply news outlets have been drawn to the topic, the magazine devoted seven of its 24 questions to Muslim-themed topics, producing newsworthy numbers.

In the Newsweek poll 16 percent of all respondents said they had a very favorable view of Muslims while 45 percent said they had a ‘mostly favorable’ view. This is the highest and second highest totals recorded for those answers in the survey’s history.


Fifty-nine percent of Republicans, for instance, said they believed the president favored ‘the interests of Muslims over other groups of Americans,’ while only 34 percent of said he had been ‘generally even handed‘ in his approach.

On the flip side, nine percent of Democrats said Obama favored ‘the interests of Muslims over other groups of Americans‘ while 82 percent of Democrats said he had been even-handed.

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