The Daily Grind Video

We’re inundated by news stories every day and with a 24/7 news cycle, it’s nearly impossible to keep up. But thanks to GlobalGrind’s Think Tank, you’ll be quickly in the know, and then good to go.

We’re inundated by news stories every day and with a 24/7 news cycle, it’s nearly impossible to keep up. But thanks to GlobalGrind’s Think Tank, you’ll be quickly in the know, and then good to go.

From what’s going on in the Capitol to what’s happening oversees, we have it all.

Today we see that PBS host Tavis Smiley isn’t too happy about the way the White House has been treating him, while Apple Inc. keeps raking in the dough.

Take It in the Ring

Contenders: Tavis Smiley vs. Barack Obama

Match: When Cornel West recently spoke to The Huffington Post about media coverage of African American issues, the Princeton professor argued that President Obama is avoiding journalists who’ve offered tough critiques of his administration, such as PBS host Tavis Smiley. “Obama won’t touch him with a 10-foot pole,” West said.


Hero of the Day

Who: Charla Nash

What Happened: Charla Nash, the woman who was horrifically mauled by a chimp in early 2009, is showing her new face for the first time on NBC’s “Today” Thursday.


Inside the Capitol

Where: New York

Who: William Boyland

What Happened: Assemblyman William Boyland was driving with his 7-year-old son in his Brooklyn district last night, when his SUV’s back window was shot out, police sources said.

The politician said he heard three shots ring out as he was driving his Chevy Yukon at 6:15 p.m. on Sutter Avenue near Legion Street in Brownsville.


Money On My Mind

Whose Wallet: Apple

Weight: $337 Billion

How They Hustled: $337 billion is what Apple Inc. is worth, coming in as the most valuable company in the world. Its stock has moved up 125 percent over two years, Apple has leapt over the other companies on the top 10 list.

Apple’s strength, as far as the market is concerned, is that its sales nearly double in some quarters. 


Shame On You

Who: Travis Keen

Where: Louisana

What Happened: Gross, dude! A 28-year-old in Louisiana was arrested for driving around a Wal-Mart parking lot with his penis exposed and leering at women entering and exiting the store. When stopped by police and asked about his state of undress, Travis Keen “stated he did have his penis out because of past experiences he had at Wal-Mart. Keen stated when he comes to Wal-Mart he gets aroused.


Better than Fiction

Character: Stripper Robbers

Plot Line: The bank robbing stripper and her two brothers were captured by police yesterday after a shoot out and car chase. Two brothers and a sister sought in connection with a crime spree that started in Florida were caught by Colorado state troopers Wednesday morning.


This Day In History

Year: 1973

What Happened: Like any style of music, hip-hop has roots in other forms, and its evolution was shaped by many different artists, but there’s a case to be made that it came to life precisely on this day in 1973, at a birthday party in the recreation room of an apartment building in the West Bronx, New York City.

The location of that birthplace was 1520 Sedgwick Avenue, and the man who presided over that historic party was the birthday girl’s brother, Clive Campbell — better known to history as DJ Kool Herc, founding father of hip-hop.