The Daily Grind Video

<p>Rihanna opened up about the incident that happened with her and Chris Brown earlier this year.&nbsp; The media has been all over these two since February, reporting their every move, trying to get the details on exactly what went down that night.</p><p>Both parties have remained relatively quiet&hellip; until recently.&nbsp; Chris Brown opened up in a public apology posted on youtube and in a TV interview with Larry King.&nbsp; Rihanna has not spoken much of the incident publically since it happened.</p><p>Finally in this mont&rsquo;s Glamour she opened up and let the world in on her private thoughts and feelings about her life since then&hellip;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&ldquo;I went to sleep as Rihanna and woke up as Britney Spears. That was the level of media chaos that happened the next day.&rdquo;</p>