The Daily Grind Video

Everyone knows that fashion never stops for anybody. It keeps pushing new limits and reaching new heights. As new waves of designs come in, I just want to make it clear to all fashion lovers that it is absolutely perfectly fine to not follow, buy, and wear fashion pieces just cause they are new. Personally, I do not care who designed the piece, or how much is it, or if everyone else owns one and is wearing it. If it’s ‘not me’ I will not buy it.

I have never really been a fashion follower. Do not get me wrong, I follow the trends and watch as they develop into new fields, but if the fashion does not really go with who I am, I am perfectly fine being the spectator. Here are some fashion pieces that I found that I would not mind seeing on other people, but you would not catch them on me ;-).

Thanks to Fabsugar for these cool pics~




