The Daily Grind Video



Hollis Day Launches the Hollis Walk of Fame (Russell Simmons Gets a Star)

By: Capri Pillow



On 9/11/10 which is usually a day of somber, there was a celebration in Hollis Queens. It was the launch of the Hollis Walk of Fame and the annual Hollis Day. Staring on 203rd and Hollis Avenue at Hollis Famous Burger all the way to 205th street also known as Run DMC JMJ Way were crowds of people, Hollis heads, Hollis alumni and Hollis Youth. Pioneer Orville Hall owner of Hollis Famous Burger brought out Russell Simmons, Ed Lover the founder of FUBU and DMC. With that being said there were guest appearances from the great Brett Ratner, Shi Shi (Ashanti’s little sister), Diggy Simmons, Jitter (JMJ’s Son), Council Man Leroy Comrie and numerous press.

One By one the Hollis greats spoke to the people. Russell Simmons started it off by thanking Orville and thanking Hollis for the love and support. Ed Lover then graced the stage jokingly letting everyone know that he scrapped his knee in 192 park as a kid and he is Hollis and always will be Hollis. He made sure we knew that although he has gone from Hollis to Hollywood, he will never forget where he came from. Next was the founder’s of FUBU they graced the stage and also thanked everyone for the support and the love. Then DMC came on stage he let everyone know that although he made it, Hollis doesn’t need more rappers and singers, Hollis needs future lawyers and doctors. As I watched many of Hollis’s alumni look on and shake their heads and clap their hands to confirm DMC message all of the Hollis youth looked with smiles. I hope everyone was inspired because I truly was.



Overall I was happy to see the community I grew up in to come together. Although many folks have moved away and new individuals have moved in, no one can deny that Hollis Queens is where it all started. From Run DMC all the way to Ja Rule and the whole Murder Inc. Now it’s time to look out for the future of Hollis. Look out for the Hollis Boyz, a new innovative group that will be hitting the charts very soon. Also look out for me Capri Pillow blogger and soon to be director.