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A new study conducted by University of Melbourne researchers found that kids raised by same-sex couples are a bit happier and healthier than the general population when it comes to general health and family cohesion.

The slight edge comes from the fact that same-sex couples perform tasks based on what they are skilled in, rather than gender roles set up by society.

The lead researcher, Dr. Simon Crouch, noted that in same-sex couples parents have to “take on roles that are suited to their skill set rather than falling into those gender stereotypes.” According to Crouch, this leads to a “more harmonious family unit and therefore feeding on to better health and well being.”

The study surveyed 315 same-sex parents and 500 children. In the study, these children scored approximately six percent higher than Australian kids in the general population when it came to family cohesion and their health habits.

Although these findings proved to be in line with existing international research conducted on a smaller scale, the same-sex marriage opposition group, Family Voice Australia, claims that the study should be discounted because it does not consider what happens when the child reaches adulthood.