The Daily Grind Video
Worried African American businesswoman having some problems.

Source: BraunS / Getty

It’s National Stress Awareness Day, which is a great opportunity to focus on your overall wellbeing, identify the things that cause you stress and figure out ways to manage it.

Did you know that stress is strongly tied to cardiac disease, hypertension, inflammatory diseases, compromised immune systems, and possibly to cancer? And it’s all thanks to one little hormone: cortisol. Elevated cortisol gives us a short-term boost but also suppresses the immune system, elevates blood sugar, and impedes bone formation.


Which is even more reason why managing stress levels is important for our health. And some people are so used to feeling stress on the body, mind and spirit that they don’t realize it’s an issue. The Active Times wrote, “The feeling of anxiety and tension is so common; many people think they are OK unless they are having a heart attack. But the truth is that stress has a sneaky way of building up in you until it becomes a serious problem.”

Check out our list of things you probably didn’t know were stressing you TF out. We’ve also added tips to help you shake the stress off and get back to living your best life.  Hit the flip to check it out.

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