About Lenny McAllister

The latest steps taken by the Department of Justice regarding Arizona’s SB 1070 constitutes a march towards civil unrest in court but it also represents the growing gap between what the majority of Americans think and the directives coming from this administration. Truthfully, if we were able to see the same passion from the federal […]

Everyone wanted to talk about racism and tokenism during the Tea Parties. Everyone also seemed to overlook progress in the midst of protests last week. It seemed like every time one turned around, there was a story, a quote, or a mention of Tea Party racism coming from the media or from water cooler conversations […]

Everyone wanted to talk about racism and tokenism during the Tea Parties. Everyone also seemed to overlook progress in the midst of protests last week. It seemed like every time one turned around, there was a story, a quote, or a mention of Tea Party racism coming from the media or from water cooler conversations […]

Everyday Americans must know in our hearts that government is for the people, not the other way around. It is time to bring politics back to the people, and it will take all of us as ambassadors of that message to temper the government spending, government expansion, and government impropriety that threatens our quality of […]

Everyday Americans must know in our hearts that government is for the people, not the other way around. It is time to bring politics back to the people, and it will take all of us as ambassadors of that message to temper the government spending, government expansion, and government impropriety that threatens our quality of […]

The passage of health care legislation should not be the biggest news for Black folks coming out of the White House recently, especially when unemployment approaches 20%.  Defense of the Obama Administration’s leadership in the health care process has been a little perplexing, to say the least. Although there is a clear need to improve […]

The passage of health care legislation should not be the biggest news for Black folks coming out of the White House recently, especially when unemployment approaches 20%.  Defense of the Obama Administration’s leadership in the health care process has been a little perplexing, to say the least. Although there is a clear need to improve […]

Bringing new school political leadership to old school academic values provides a promising yield. I know that amongst the faithful of Hip Hop Nation, Hiram, OH is not a place where many would say they could find an offshoot of the New School – politically or otherwise. However, Hiram (HI’ rum) College in rural Ohio […]

Bringing new school political leadership to old school academic values provides a promising yield. I know that amongst the faithful of Hip Hop Nation, Hiram, OH is not a place where many would say they could find an offshoot of the New School – politically or otherwise. However, Hiram (HI’ rum) College in rural Ohio […]

Is a portion of America becoming everything that once deplored in the process of getting everything they think they want? People are calling this a victory for America. It may be true: there are some aspects of the health care bill that we need in place to reform the broken system here in the United […]

In an era where we have a Black president, opposing Black leaders, and a dominant hip hop culture during a devastating crisis in Black America, one has to ask. I remember writing an article that almost got me killed 18 years ago. In the early 1990s, there was plenty to reflect upon as Black History […]

If the Obama Administration and the supermajority of 2009 lost focus on the job market while chasing down universal health care, what exactly did they lose focus on? For starters, a passing grade on WMDs. With the Scott Brown victory in Massachusetts, many politicos around the nation are noting that the Democrats’ efforts in Washington […]