
Read the latest news that delivers bold, smart, and insightful content for men on a mission from Cassiuslife.

Twitter just greenlit a movie. Seriously. As if we needed another example of the epic power of social media, a film idea hatched on Twitter — involving Rihanna and Lupita Nyong’o robbing rich white dudes blind — is now officially coming to a theater near you. The idea came about when this photo of the two women […]

It’s amazing how many factors play into a person’s rise to fame. Take Jean-Michel Basquiat, a Haitian and Puerto Rican kid from Brooklyn, who died 29 years ago. He was only 27 years old when he passed away of a drug overdose on August 12, 1988. Now, a painting of a skull he created in […]

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LGBTQ people of color are far more likely to experience violence according to the National Coalition of Anti-Violence Programs’ most recent report and when transgender women are under attack, it’s important to uplift and shine light on those who are challenging perceptions, organizing people, or just plain changing the game. Today we honor the beauty of […]

Many trans individuals passed away in 2016, most with very little media attention. Here, we remember those who lost their lives.