The Daily Grind Video

The embodiment of success as a wealthy entrepreneur, business professional or community leader is much greater than simply making money.  It requires self-determination through the personal choice of taking action, responsibility and commitment. Such inner spirit is found by loving and respecting yourself then sharing it with others. An innate journey to live in harmony pursuing the unique talents GOD provided us to create a legacy that truly makes a difference. This is the process of becoming a true leader – being rich from inside-out. It is the definition of the term Reallionaire.

So, what is success?

Success, to some, is all about wealth. To some, success is all about achieving the perfect job, or
the perfect marriage, or living the perfect life. Let’s examine what Webster says about success:


a:   degree or measure of succeeding
b:   favorable or desired outcome,
c:   the attainment of wealth, favor or eminence.

There are other ways in which humans have come to define success, but one thing is clear: success must be defined and a goal must be set before it can be achieved.

Think about achieving a goal in terms of driving a car.  How could you possibly get to your destination, if you have not clearly defined it?  Would you just drive all across town or all across the country in search of your destination, or would you sit down and identify the destination before you even get into your car?

That’s how life is!  Why would you live your life and go through your days, wasting precious time, effort and other resources without defining your actual goal? The question may sound elementary, but many people live this way and wonder why they fail to achieve anything of substance.


Another mistake people make is pursuing someone else’s goal. Let’s use the driving analogy again: How could you arrive at your own desired destination, if you focus on where other people are going?  Would you get on the freeway and drive north just because other people are driving in that direction?  Where do you really want to go?

In order to define your own destination in life, you must take the time to think about who you really are and what will really make you happy. Your success may be to teach small children to read and write, or your success may be to lead a football team to a national championship.  Your success may be to own a multi-million dollar corporation, or your success may be to work your way to a high level of management in a multi-million dollar corporation.

The point is that whatever your definition of success is must be the goal for your life. Each individual must create his/her own definition of success in order to be successful. I believe there are four components to defining success from an individual perspective: Defining Your Skills; Defining Your Desires; Weighing The Risks; and Weighing The Benefits.

Let me discuss those components in detail.

Defining Your Skills: In order to achieve success, you must define it based on your skills. Simply put, your skills are the things that you are capable of doing. It is not practical to say that you want to be a rocket scientist, if you already know that science and math are your weakest areas.

Look at the subjects you were good at.  Are those things solid enough to build a life around?  Are those things strong enough to turn into a career? You have to take inventory of the things you are capable of doing in order to define your actual skills. Once you define your skills, you can begin to set your goal for success.

Defining Your Desires: One of the biggest con