The Daily Grind Video


Babies in the Garbage


“A righteous man cares for the needs of his animals.”—Proverbs 12:10

When we pull up to the dinner table, we are blindsided to how flesh and dairy products are processed.  Most people love animals and have pets that become adored family members.  Animals are apart of our earthly family.


So where does the line get drawn as to what animals are worthy of our human attention for affection and those that are ignored? Billions of animals are unprotected, suffer and die at the hand of being commercially processed in factory farms.


I think most people would agree that baby cows are cute and adorable.  I remember going to a county fair and there was a barn set up to watch the cows give birth.  One calf had just been born and was searching for his mother’s nipple to have his first meal. He took a long time to find the udder, and when he did, everyone in the barn clapped and cheered. More than likely, even with that celebrated moment, some of those people probably had a hamburger that day (cow). OW!


In reality, when calves are born to cows who are to commercially produce milk, the babies are immediately trashed after being delivered.  The cow was only made pregnant so that she could produce milk for people. Her calf never gets any.  There was never an intention of keeping the calf. It’s existence was just used to line the pockets of heartless corporations.  When people buy milk, cheese, sour cream and other products made from milk, the cycle of animal suffering continues. 





Until today, I did not know that it is standard practice for calves to be trashed or given for veal after birth. What gives man the right to manipulate his creation like this? This is not the dominion over the earth the way that God intended.  Man has taken that dominion and has demonized it, desecrated it and dehumanized it.


In this 21st century, can’t we evolve above abusive practices?  I believe that we are witnessing the devolution of man instead of progressing morally and compassion. There ARE consequences for these actions, and it will be the