The Daily Grind Video



What’s up, GlobalGrind readers? This month I’m taking it back to CBS Morning Show’s “Live on the Couch” with my man Anchorman John Elliot on the “Fit Minute.”

This time around we are doing partner ab training called Leg Lifts. Now before you watch the video above, just know this is an ab exercise for lower abs/oblique and you can do this exercise in any setting, from the comfort of your home to your office space. 

If you don’t have a partner, then do this grabbing onto something sturdy like the bottom of a table, or even your children! You’ll see what I mean soon enough…

I have been getting a lot of questions and comments regarding health, fitness, and motivation. Please keep them coming and I will address them on my monthly video interaction here and on my fan page at 

Keep your questions and comments coming, I will address them as promptly as possible.

Again thank you for the love & support!!

Karim Ramos