
Friday's sentencing came after Conrad Alvin Barrett, 29, plead guilty over the summer. In December 2013, Barrett -- who was 27 at the time -- was charged with a hate crime for punching 79-year-old Roy Coleman, fracturing the man's jaw in two places.

A lot of times Nick Cannon might be the bud of a joke, or the one cracking the jokes…but some serious matters he can’t be funny with. After this whole “knock-out game” has become a craze in the streets, the Wild N’ Out host doesn’t find much about it to be very humorous. He recently went off […]

Today, a 35-year-old New York man has been charged with hate crimes in connection with seven “knockout” assaults, including attacks on two elderly woman and a mother walking with her daughter. Barry Baldwin was charge with a hefty amount of crimes. The Brooklyn resident, was charged with six counts of assault as a hate crime, six […]

UPDATE:  12/27/13 2:45PM EST A photo of the man who was allegedly attacked by Conrad Alvin Barrett, has been released.  A 79-year-old African-American man is reportedly the victim. However, his name has not yet been released. —- So much for the “knockout game” being an “exclusive hobby” for young black males. Conrad Alvin Barrett, a white male […]

There isn’t definitive evidence that the media-hyped “knockout game” is even real, but lawmakers are still enacting legislation that will give longer jail sentences to those accused of participating. Legislators in at least four states have responded to reports of the assaults with proposals to increase penalties and jail time for defendants. Problem is, the […]

So this happened. The alleged ‘Knockout Game,” in which suspects come up and randomly punch victims in the face in an attempt to knock them out, has left people scared and confused across the country as more untruths and details spread. While some believe that the game is an urban myth, CNN decided to run with the […]

The disturbing new trend, the Knockout Game, may have spread fear across areas like Philadelphia, NYC and even Washington, but police in several cities where such attacks are being reported believe the game is nothing more than an “urban myth.” The game, where young people try to knock out a stranger with one blow, might […]

  We’ve heard the reports, we’ve witnessed the assaults, we know that random attacks on pedestrians are common, but are they all part of a sick game called “knockout?” Police are investigating the disturbing new trend, where teens appear to punch strangers with the goal of knocking them unconscious with a single blow, which in […]