A couple of months ago, news came out that famed Bronx rapper Tim Dog had died from complications with diabetes. The hip-hop community mourned; but should we have? There are many people who think Tim faked his own death, and he is still somewhere very alive — so much so, that a Desoto County, Mississippi judge issued a […]


Apparently so, In Dublin, Georgia, Mayor Phil Best, is expected to sign an ordinance Tuesday that prohibits the wearing of saggy pants. Violators face fines up to $200. C’mon Son!!!, are we now banning styles? The indecent exposure ordinance will be put into immediate effect at the city council meeting signed by Mayor Phil Best. Check […]


State Senator Eric Adams has a message for the youth of America: Stop the Sag!. I understand what Sen. Adams is saying but to comapre it to imagery like connery I dont think it’s fare. True the fashion trnd comes out of the jails, but these kids on the streets don’t know no better. I […]


State Senator Eric Adams has a message for the youth of America: Stop the Sag!. I understand what Sen. Adams is saying but to comapre it to imagery like connery I dont think it’s fare. True the fashion trnd comes out of the jails, but these kids on the streets don’t know no better. I […]