The Daily Grind Video

Back in May, we reported that everybody hated Chris for “painting” his house, and now we’re here to bring you part 2 of that story.

Chris Brown is firing back at the City of L.A. — claiming the gov. has NO RIGHT to force him to remove the graffiti art on the front of his L.A. home because it’s protected by the 1st Amendment.

He even went ahead and filed legal action; that’s how strongly he feels. Breezy filed an appeal with the city because he believes they’re trying to land him with some sort of ‘bull’ and that’s not OK…NEVER MESS WITH CHRIS BROWN! 

According to Chris’ appeal: “The murals are a reflection of [my] aesthetic taste and a reflection of free speech and expression protected by the First Amendment to the United States Constitution.” 

The case now rests in the hands of the Department of Building and Safety’s board of appeals and if they feel the need to fight Brown, he can and probably will bring it to L.A. County Superior Court.

So hopefully the Dept. of Building and Safety’s board of appeals will drop it before this whole thing gets way out of hand, Chris Brown-style.