The Daily Grind Video

They say that when you are going through a hardship the best way to recover is through your art. 

Enter Katy Perry.

MUSIC: Katy Perry “Bullet” Demo

Last week Katy’s future ex-husband, comedian Russell Brand, filed divorce papers with the pop star, stating “irreconcilable differences.”

According to TMZ, it’s a divorce that Katy wanted, but was unwilling to incite because she was concerned with what her religious parents would think.

MUSIC: Russell Brand Ain’t No Pimp! Let Katy Keep Her Cash

Now, unidentified friends of the “I Kissed A Girl” star are stating that the singer is already in the studio writing lyrics about the break-up.

The source said:

“Ever since problems started to emerge, she penned her thoughts in a diary which she goes back to to draw upon for lyrics for her songs. She has always said that writing is almost a form of therapy for her and she would often be found in her dressing room on tour writing in her diary.”

Uh oh, if this is true, things can get veeeery interesting when Katy’s next album drops.

Katy Perry and Russell Brand were married for 14 months before they decided to split.