The Daily Grind Video

Two weeks into 2012 and Chris Brown may have already found himself in a minor controversy. 

MUSIC: Chris Brown Feat. K-Mac: Mona Lisa 

That boy Chris Breezy just released a new promo picture for his latest album, F.A.M.E. In the picture, Chris Brown is seen wearing a full striped fur coat. 


DETAILS: Lips Sealed! Chris Brown Won’t Do Any Interviews In 2012 

You see, the good folks at PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) are probably going to have a problem with this.

PETA has a history of going H.A.M. on celebrities who wear fur. Last year the group named Janet Jackson and Kim Kardashianas the most animal-unfriendly celebrities of the year. They must have never met Kim’s Hermes wearing boxer, Rocky.

Now, there is no proof that the coat is real or if it’s a fake — let’s be real, it’s real — but Chris can save himself some grief by doing a interview where he says that the fur is faux.

But, oh wait, the singer said he won’t be granting interviews this year.

Well, here’s some advice then, Breezy: if you see red paint coming your way, run!

SOURCE: PopCrush