The Daily Grind Video



On a chilly NY night thousands of fans gathered to see the return of one of pop’s biggest stars of our generation. Rihanna. She’s been beaten, exposed and photographed more than any celebrity in a very long time. The public’s appetite for Riri seems endless. So since we have all seen her about a million times in the past 3 months, I decided to focus my camera on the members of TEAM RIHANNA.

I was surprised at the different type of people who love this girl. The anticipation in the air was thick enough to touch and at 9:12pm when she took to the stage and every camera was focused on her except for one… Mine. I focused on you… the people.











Sandhurst from Bravo’s Make Me A Supermodel Season 2



Chuck Creekmur





Lowkey from



Artist Wish & Tory from Digiwaxx



Radio Personality Steph Lovah & Her Future Baby Daddy Big Yu








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