About Garvey Ashhurst

U.S. officials have all but confirmed that a drone strike in Pakistan’s northwest tribal region has killed al-Qaeda’s second-in-command, Abu Yahya al-Libi. STORY: One Step Ahead Of Ya! Al-Qaeda Would-Be Bomber Worked For CIA According to the Associated Press, al-Libi’s death proves to be a significant blow to the terror network, which has lost many of its […]

In an attempt to combat obesity, Mayor Michael Bloomberg is proposing a ban on the sale of large sodas and other sugary drinks in the city’s restaurants, delis and movie theaters. STORY: OH SNAP! OWS PROTESTERS ROLL UP IN MAYOR BLOOMBERG’S HOOD According to the Associated Press, the proposal is expected to be announced formally […]

Fox and Friends aired a calumnious four-minute video on its Wednesday show.  STORY: They Gave Their Lives! Obama Honors Fallen Troops On Memorial Day Staying in line with Fox News’ policy on objectivity, the video, which the hosts of the show advertised as taking a “look back” at President Barack Obama’s four years in office, […]

In 2008, reports came that detainees at Guantanamo Bay had been tortured by songs such as Decide’s “F*ck Your God” and Eminem’s “White America.”  STORY: Osama Bin Laden’s Last Words Revealed According to The Huffington Post, a new documentary from Al Jazeera shows that detainees may also have been subjected to musical torture of a […]

Rudy Eugene, often referred to as the “Miami Zombie,” has taken over the national media after he was found naked eating a man’s face off, which he was subsequently shot and killed for.  STORY: Rudy Eugene’s Miami Face-Eating Victim Revealed As Ronald Poppo! Police suspect that new designer drugs known as bath salts are responsible for […]

A federal appeals court Thursday declared that the Defense of Marriage Act unconstitutionally denies federal benefits to married same-sex couples; a groundbreaking ruling all but certain to wind up before the U.S. Supreme Court. STORY: Jay-Z Killed Auto-Tune, He Will Kill Homophobia In an unanimous decision, the three-judge panel of the 1st U.S. Circuit Court […]

Chagas disease, caused by parasites transmitted to humans through blood-sucking insects, has been named “the new AIDS of the Americas” in a lengthy editorial published in PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases.  STORY: Oh Word! FDA Favors New Drug That Prevents HIV According to The New York Times, a parasitic infection called Chagas Disease that has similarities to the […]

International judges sentenced former Liberian President Charles Taylor, 64, to 50 years in prison Wednesday, saying he was responsible for some of the most heinous and brutal crimes recorded in human history. Taylor was found guilty of arming and supporting Sierra Leone rebels in return for “blood diamonds.” STORY: Bloody Massacre! Syrian Rebels Kill 108, […]

Wayne Carter, 43, remains in critical condition in Hackensack University Medical Center intensive care unit after stabbing himself repeatedly in front of police, and then throwing his own intestines at them. STORY: Got ‘Em! Naked Man Who Chewed Off Another Man’s Face Identified! Carter called Hackensack, NJ police at 10:00 p.m. on Sunday saying he had […]

Since the birth of this nation, America has been a proponent of freedom and justice, in its own special, sometimes hypocritical way. Bashar al-Assad is responsible for some of the most egregious human rights violations in Eurasia since the Holocaust. Given the U.S.’s reputation as the purveyors of freedom and justice, it would be reasonable […]

Emily Davis, 11, went rock climbing outside of the Florida Marlin’s stadium after a baseball game on Saturday and fell 18 feet, plummeting to the ground after her safety harness went completely slack. STORY: So Sad! 11-Year-Old Girl, Dared By Classmates, Drowns After Jumping Off Bridge According to ABC News, Emily’s dad Jeff recorded the horrifying […]

Paul Williams, 30, the electrifying boxer known to fans by his moniker “The Punisher,” is now facing a different type of battle. Williams suffered a life-altering motorcycle crash in Atlanta, which left him paralyzed from the waist down. STORY: Oh No! Boxing Champ Found Dead In New Mexico Home He severed his spinal cord after […]