The Daily Grind Video

With every passing day another Republican candidate throws their hat in the ring to take on Barack Obama in the 2012 Presidential election. Along with throwing their hats in the ring, the insults are also coming fast and furious.

STORY: Michelle Obama And Kate Middleton Get A 41 Gun Salute! 

If you know anything about hip-hop, the cardinal rule goes, when someone is on top of their game, you don’t throw rocks at the throne.

STORY: Kiss Him, He’s Irish: The O’Bama Ireland Connection

It’s fitting now that President Obama is in England, the capitol of royalty, many Republican candidates are seizing this moment to dim some of Obama’s shine. 

Getting an early start on the mudslinging, these G.O.P. hopefuls aren’t holding anything back. So let’s take a look at some who are throwing rocks at the throne.


The Pizza Guy:

Herman Cain, the former pizza restaurant chain C.E.O was asked whether or not President Obama was a patriot, here’s Cain throwing rocks: “A man who is working to do what he sees as right for his country, no.”


The Old Timer:

The former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich not only threw rocks at Obama’s throne but he threw a boulder. Here’s what he had to say about the President when it came to the matter of government assistance: “You want to be a country that creates food stamps, in which case frankly Obama’s is an enormous success, the most successful food stamp President in American history.” 


The Governor:

The former Minnesota Governor rallied against Obama on taxes saying, “Barack Obama has consistently stood for higher taxes.” Get your facts straight son, the truth is, Obama’s record in his Presidency shows more tax cutting than tax raising. The stimulus plan early in his presidency cut taxes broadly for the middle class and business.


Mama Grizzly:

Former Alaska Governor and Vice Presidential nominee Sarah Palin threw stones when she said: “I want to make sure America is put back on the right track and we will do that by defeating Obama in 2012. I have that fire in my belly.” She doesn’t have the fire in her belly, if Palin quit as Governor, why would we elect her as President?


The Congressman:

Texas Congressman Ron Paul expressed his thought on Obama’s recent remarks on Israel: “Unlike this President, I do not believe it is our place to dictate how Israel runs her affairs.”


The Tea Party Queen:

Saving the best for last, Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann has said everything about President Obama but the one that sticks out the most was when she was asked on “Meet the Press” whether or not Obama was anti-American, Bachmann replied, “I think the President’s actions in the last two years speak for themselves.” Hopefully we get four more years of an anti-American President and not Michele Bachmann.