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Thanks to a wonderful teacher named Kim Janzen (who, according to RateMyTeachers is a “great teacher” who sometimes “takes hissy fits”) rapper Drake has achieved something truly remarkable: at the age of 25, he’s graduated high school.

DETAILS: CONGRATS! Drake Graduates High School 

Drake tweeted out the fantastic news after he got his final scores in (Drake scored a 97 on the final and a grade of 88 for the class. Booyaaa!)

Even though we are a little baffled that, apparently, school ends in October for Canadian students, we can’t help but feel happy for our boy. Drake getting his high school diploma is easily his greatest achievement, slightly beating scoring two platinum records, ranking in millions of dollars and dating Rihanna.

DETAILS: Drake Says Him & Noah “40” Shebib Are Commanding Aaliyah’s Posthumous Album

So what classes exactly did Drake take to get his diploma? Well we actually hit up Ms. Kim (who was nice but a little hissy on the phone) and she sent us Drake’s full curriculum. Check out the 10 classes Drake aced to get his high school diploma down below!

Sweater Knitting 

You ever wonder about Drake’s unique sweater collection? What brands does he buy? Versace? Gucci? Louis? Or maybe it’s some fly sh*t we never heard of called kfdmbtgf. Nope. It turns out they’re all hand made by Drake himself. No wonder he passed his sweater knitting class with flying colors. 

Romance Literature

What are Drake’s favorite romance novels? Ms. Janzen told us Pride & Prejudice and Sense and Sensibility. 

Weight Lifting

Drake has gotten brolic. Why, you ask? It’s because he’s been killing his weight lifting class. Look at the pic above, you can even see Aaliyah’s head expanding.


Drake didn’t need much study time to ace his dance class. That dude has been swaggy since grammar school. 

Singing Lessons

Drake has gotten better at rapping. But he also has worked on his crooning. Watch it TGT, Drake is coming for your spot. 


We had no idea this was actually a class…but it is. Homework assignments included, not looking both ways before crossing the street and eating dinner after nine.  

Judaism Studies

As Drake has gone more and more hip-hop, he has lost touch with his inner Jew. His Judaism studies course helped him find his way. (Interesting sidenote: he actually wrote Rick Ross’ Black Mitzvah tape.) 

Women’s Studies

Don’t let all the posturing fool you, Drake is a sensitive soul. He just wants to care for his women, which explains the high marks he got for his Women Studies course. (Ms. Janzen said he was especially excellent in Haiku writing.)    

Canadian Studies

This seemed like a no brainer, but you’ll be shocked to know how many people aren’t up to date on their Canadian studies. Justin Bieber only got a C when he took the course. 

Wine Testing 

Easily Drake’s favorite class. Word on the streets is that Drake would stay after school and literally crush the white grapes himself. That, folks, is dedication!