The Daily Grind Video

An Open Letter To A Dear Friend With Whom I Unfortunately Quarreled

I am well aware that my emotions got the best of me. That was just ego responding to a challenge on my core beliefs. To clarify– my strongest intention for my life and other people’s lives is to create unified consciousness, openness of spirit and to manifest universal awareness of how the same we all are, despite all that appears to separate us. The only reason I got upset was because I’m limited on my spiritual path and I still take things personally that are indeed, not personal at all. We both are interested in physics, which explores the expanding universe and takes science as far as possible… So basically we believe in the same things. I’m not religious my dear and darling friend– though I love the history of religion, the power of people banding together to accomplish a better life, and the process of bringing together very fragmented, ignored and uneducated peoples from around the world through philosophies that have brought us closer to a sameness of mind. It’s a necessary and inevitable process. Human beings have to come together and work together and develop an understanding that we are ONE. While you might think religion prevents people from doing that– I would strongly disagree, even in modern times, and point out to you that most of the movements that have propelled civilization, society and our collective conscious and unconsciousness were inspired by faith. There are many peoples and places in the world that have not reached the level of awareness as others. Thus, the clash of civilizations we see today. This imbalance in enlightened awareness explains things that seem unfathomable to our sense of right/wrong/justice/morality etc. But through enlightened faith, it all becomes perfect and part of the Universal Plan in expression.

I met a woman last year at an event celebrating Vital Voices around the world who had been raped by a group of men in her village after the town counsel had decreed a punishment on her family. This punishment was to remedy the insult to the caste system they live under which her little brother had broken when he was seen holding hands with a girl from a higher caste. She was expected to kill herself after this humiliation. She did not. She lived and thrived. She says this was due to faith that her life means something. It takes faith and belief in something bigger than the ‘I’, than the self and than the ego to motivate change. I think it is an awesome thing to see what the Black churches in the segregated south did to hold together the faith and the integrity of the abused and oppressed during the civil rights movement. I am inspired endlessly by Jewishness both as a religion and/or race for keeping families and traditions together through some of the most traumatic and heartbreaking cruelty a people has ever endured. Faith of course doesn’t have to be based on religious tenants, but religion has been a powerful and necessary tool in giving people faith.

The world is evolving and religion has been slow to keep up. From time to time, I find myself as frustrated with limited thinking and illogical dogma as the next half white/half black/yuppie/New York City living/Virginia country living/episcopalian/Jewish/tarot card reading/female/model/entrepreneur! Though I realize I shouldn’t let my thinking become resentful. I try to shield myself from the other voices of intolerance that exist… that’s why I don’t watch TV anymore. I don’t listen to the fear mongering of the media. This is all an indoctrination of some kind. It is a nonstop bombardment of belief in either capitalism or elitism or judgment-ism, Americanism, or an obsession with shoving ego-based, celebrity obsessed beliefs down my throat. So I ch