The Daily Grind Video

Solicitor General of the United States Elena Kagan was nominated by President Barack Obama to be the next Supreme Court Justice of the United States.  Her academia and government cred is off the charts. Princeton, Oxford, Harvard Law School, clerkship with Thurgood Marshall, Dean of Harvard Law School, and most recently Solicitor General of the United States are just some of the qualifications that set her apart from other nominees. 

The Supreme Court is a position that should be held in the highest regard and should have the best and the brightest. With Sonia Soytomayor and now Elena Kagan, President Obama will most likely change the scope of our generation.


With a resume like this it would be hard for anyone to attack such a nominee right? Wrong, it didn’t take long for the talking heads of the right to attack President Obama and his nominee Elena Kagan. Most notably Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck, their full on assault was just the beginning, already painting Kagan as a liberal activist, having no experience, no qualifications and a socialist.

These are some of the nice things that are being said because believe me as we get closer to the confirmation hearings it will get worst and the right rhetoric of Kagan will get nastier. The fact is Kagan moderate by today’s standards, liked by officials in the former Bush administration and considered to be one of those judges that will considered and understand both sides of an argument before rendering a decision.The truth is the constitution does not state that judicial experience is a prerequisite. Rush is correct though when he says ‘It’s on!’ and the attacks will surley continue.
