The Daily Grind Video

A hard-hitting new website is giving American’s a dose of reality when it comes to the politicians that are put in place to serve them:

They don’t work for us…they work for the National Rifle Association.

On the site, “They Don’t Work For You,” designers (from the Brooklyn shop Guts and Glory) have paired every single one of the 45 Senators who voted against the gun background check bill with a child who was killed by gunfire.

That means Sandy Hook Elementary. Aurora, Colo. And even Trayvon Martin.

In addition to the pairings, the website gives you an opportunity to voice your dissent by providing the viewer with the politician’s Twitter handle and their phone number.

Yep, there’s no hiding from us now.

Check out some of the powerful pieces below.

To see the rest of the pro-gun Senators, click here.