The Daily Grind Video

The bizarre Cleveland kidnapping case has caught the attention of one famous mama who is absolutely horrified with the ordeal.

First Lady Michelle Obama talked to the Today Show about the case involving three women who were kidnapped and held captive for over a decade. Those women were rescued on Monday and have returned to their families today. And FLOTUS, had this to say about it.

“My heart just … swells up with relief, because just imagine first losing a child and not knowing whether they’re alive or dead or in harm’s way,” Mrs. Obama said during an exclusive interview with TODAY after signing copies of “American Grown,” her picture book about the White House Kitchen Garden, at a Washington bookstore.

“And to be holding out hope for a decade and to finally have those prayers answered is just probably the best Mother’s Day gift… that these families will receive.

“These families are going to have to wrap their arms around these young women and make sure that they get all the help and support they need so that they will go on and lead healthy, normal lives,” the first lady added.

Reacting like any mother would, Michelle Obama also added that she has had to learn how to explain these unfortunate situations (including the Boston Marathon Bombing) with her own teen daughters.

“But the one thing we always try to point out is that, yeah, bad things happen, and there are things in life that happen that you have absolutely no control over, but the thing we want them to remember is that the overwhelming majority of people, not just in this country but around the world, are good people doing wonderful things. So I assure them that there’s no reason for them to live in fear…and what we should look at is the beauty of what comes out of people in times of tragedy, how people become heroes and they turn into givers and they sacrifice …so there’s a way to turn even the saddest incident into a point of inspiration for our children.”

Leave it to the first lady to find the silver lining! Thanks for the advice!