The Daily Grind Video

Sorry for the delay but I’m back!
So why should we stretch… even if you don’t workout, flexibility plays an important part of your everyday life.  Posture… tight chest muscles can lead to a rounded forward posture, which can lead to low back pains.

Everyday stress can cause tension in the neck and back of head which can cause headaches and forward head posture…. let’s move on to back aches.  How many of us is always experiencing some sort of back pain.  Not to many people know that can come from tight hamstring muscles, tight hip flexers or the obvious… tight low back. 

So, the benefits of stretching… not to mention that it can improve your posture and relieve tension in your head, neck and back, but can also increase circulation!  More circulation means more energy, a happier mood, and even a better immune system not to mention quicker results if you do workout!  So what are you going to do about it?

Find a yoga class or power stretch class… or for a less expensive route, on demand usually has a stretching series.  Worse case scenario, just lay on the floor and stretch on your own, any type of stretching is better than none!

-Gorilla Zoe