The Daily Grind Video

Rev Run’s Wisdom today captured my attention.  Rejection sucks!  We all hate rolling up to the club and standing there, and standing there, and pulling out the cell phone importantly like you are about to make a VERY IMPORTANT phone call to a VERY IMPORTANT person that’s gonna get your Ass inside quick.

Who wants to pull the “Is James here tonight?” out of their arsenal in total desperation?  Who the hell is James anyway?…. You don’t know!  But you KNOW you’re on his list and you might have to pretend to call him if someone doesn’t recognize that. 

Yes rejection sucks….  But the ego crush that comes from a rejection is actually really freeing as well.  There is nothing that brings authentic self-confidence out more then knowing that you can get the ever loving holy crap kicked out of you– and yet rise again. 

Don’t fear the moment when you are turned away from the club.  Don’t fear the next time you put yourself out there and the response falls short of the love you crave and likely deserve.

Like Rev says, brush it off! 

Next time you roll up, the sea of people will part, the red carpet will roll out to just centimeters from the hot car you’re dramatically exiting….

And you will high five James on the way to the VIP.  Believe that!

– Katie Rost (day five)