The Daily Grind Video
Black Girl Podcast

Source: Kimberly Ha / @Lyn.Kim

Are Saweetie and Damson Idris dating?

The Snowfall actor shared a black-and-white video to his Instagram story of Saweetie playing the piano barefoot in his home. Saweetie is laser focused playing one of Beethoven’s most familiar tunes “Fur Elise” as Idris records, circling the piano until the two share a grand laugh. Fans did not find the exchange humorous at all and many are saddened at the dating rumors that followed.

“I wish I could play,” says Idris, who wrote “@saweetie My Teacher” over the video. Saweetie reposted the video on her personal Instagram story as well.

On Saturday, the Icy Girl tweeted, “I want some babies. Nick Cannon chimed in with several emojis, including a hand-raising icon, insinuating that he would volunteer himself to impregnate Saweetie. Most fans translated Cannon’s tweet as an offer to be Saweetie’s future baby’s father. This very public offering came shortly after Cannon announced he would be committed to celibacy until the new year. Saweetie didn’t bother to respond to Cannon’s plea.

Saweetie broke things off rapper Quavo of the Migos earlier this year. The two were seen in a dispute, physically fighting in an elevator, which resulted in a sad and public breakup. It looks like Saweetie is ready to jump back into the dating scene, choosing one of the industry’s hottest men.

Fans are not excited to see these two spending time, but it looks like Saweetie and Damson are enjoying themselves. We will keep fans posted on Saweetie and Damson’s brewing romance. Check out the exchange below.