The Daily Grind Video

Who doesn’t love acronyms? Especially when you take a word or phrase, and give it new meaning by creating another word or phrase with the letters from the original as the initial components.

For example:

One of Tupac’s most notable acronyms was T.H.U.G. L.I.F.E, which meant “The Hate U Give Little Infants Fucks Everyone.”

Wu-Tang Clan originated C.R.E.A.M, which stood for “Cash Rules Everything Around Me.”

Drake is synonymous with Y.O.L.O, which is similar to carpe diem, but is an acronym for “You Only Live Once.”

And that’s only naming a few dope acronyms!

That being said, we at GlobalGrind decided to compile a list of our very own acronyms. Not because we consider ourselves aficionados at this type of word formation, but because we’ve created some that would definitely be helpful to you, college students.

Whether you’re just starting your freshman year or close to wrapping up your college lifestyle, these acronyms will make you:

Check them out below!

1. S.T.U.D.E.N.T = Someone That Understands Defeat Encapsulates Not Trying

It’s hard being a college student because there’s so much on your plate. But it’s important that you don’t give up, no matter how tumultuous it all seems.

 2. S.M.A.R.T = Someone Magnificent And Really Thorough

Being smart isn’t just about hitting the books to be a productive student, it’s about applying the same level of attentiveness in other areas of your life as well, to be a more well-rounded individual.

3. S.W.A.G = Someone Who’s About Graduating

It’s really quite simple! Just like you made it your mission to graduate high school as a young kid, from the moment you matriculate, it should be your mission to graduate college as a young adult.

4. C.O.F.F.E.E = College Occasionally Feels Frustrating, Even Exhausting

You may not be a big coffee-drinker right now, but Starbucks could potentially become your best friend after pulling a few all-nighters.

5. H.I.P.S.T.E.R = How Individuals Personify Something That Encompasses Realness

Being a hipster is very all-encompassing, but one thing it denotes is independent thinking. So if college is a place where you can be whoever you want to be, don’t be afraid to be that independent thinker; think outside the box sometimes.

6. S.T.Y.L.E = Something That You’re Living Everyday

Style is more than the clothes you rock, style is what you embody. The smile that you wear even if you’re running late for class; the confidence that you put on when the professor decides to deliver a pop quiz.

7. C.H.A.M.P = Confident, Healthy, And Magnificent Person

Your college sweatshirt or hoodie is most likely Champion, so why not be a champ yourself? Don’t let anxiety, a class, or even those extra 15 pounds keep you from that.

8. S.O.C.I.A.L = Student On Campus, Illustrating Absolute Leadership

Even if you’re a bit reserved, don’t let that deter you from meeting new people and engaging in some dope ass activities.

9. R.E.S.U.M.E = Realize Every Semester Underscores Manifesting Experiences

There’s a reason why “résumé” and “resume” are spelled the same way. Resume means to begin again or return to, and every semester is an opportunity to broaden your horizon. That’s why it’s crucial that you pursue an internship or externship as much as you can, if the opportunity presents itself. So when it does come time to write up your personal résumé, it’ll be as easy as knowing the difference between tall, venti, and grande at Starbucks.

10. E.D.U.C.A.T.I.O.N = Every Decision Underscores Contemplating A Thought In One’s Navigation

Know that every choice you make in college will affect your future afterwards, and is probably contingent upon it as well. Think of the “Butterfly Effect” without the awesomeness of time travel. Hopefully this last one doesn’t keep you from doing the most epic keg stand or tongue-twerking like Miley Cyrus!

And we’re also hoping after reading this, your reaction is something like:

So good luck on your college experience!