Editor’s Soapbox

Black Lives Matter activists and fans urged LeBron to sit out of Monday night's game against the Phoenix Suns, after a Cleveland jury's decision not to indict any police officers in the shooting death of 12-year-old Tamir Rice.

DoNotUse, Editor’s Soapbox, Exclusives, News

I'm excited to receive my family tomorrow.

Editor’s Soapbox, News

You may not be able to see them, touch them, feel them, or hold them. You may not be able to even identify them. But they’re there. Human rights are like the cloud of smoke that lingers only after you’ve lit a cigarette, you can only see them and truly acknowledge their presence once the […]

Editor’s Soapbox, Entertainment

Last Saturday, at a workshop for Black girls, a sweet-faced 17-year-old talked to me about how the boys at her high school viewed her developing body.

Dear Donald, Over 30 plus years you have been an amazing friend; endorsing my books, coming to my shows, flying me on your planes, your helicopters, and even allowing my family members and myself to stay in your house in Florida many times. So, it kinda pains me to know that my public statements about […]

TWD is a great show where you can release some aggression, learn how to survive in the zombie apocalypse, and how to thrive in the real world if you pay attention.

Editor’s Soapbox, News

Last week, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu visited the White House, which allowed for this incredible photo-op.

Taye Diggs is set to release a second children's book, Mixed Me, to teach young biracial children how to embrace their multicultural, multi-hued identities. But before it hits shelves, it needs a few edits... from a multiracial person.

While it is important to stay up to date on the events unfolding, self care is more important than ever.

When we were growing up in Hollis, Queens in the '70s, there was not a single person who wasn't affected by the drug epidemic that began to ravage our community.

Odell's made nothing but Madden-like moves throughout the year, on and off the field.

Regardless of how many Black friends you have, whether or not you intended to offend anyone, or how clever you might think you're being...Do. Not. Do. Blackface. Ever.