Viral Moments

Low key, Halloween is way more fun as an adult than as a kid. One of the best parts about Halloween as a grown up is the lit parties and unbelievably creative costumes. Seeing famous people dress up as other famous people is pretty dope too. For example, Beyonce rarely changes up her look — […]

Social media challenges are not just taking over the nation, they are taking over the world. Here in the United States, they tend to be centered around performing—take the #DoTheShiggyChallenge, for example. Or, more recently, the #RightBackChallenge that has folks singing over an Ar’mon & Trey track while spilling tea. All in the name of […]

Headlines about a man who ordered only water at a restaurant and tipped $10,000 have been all over the place this week–but there’s a lot more to the story than most are aware of. An East Carolina University Student by the name of Alaina was working her shift at Sup Dogs in Greenville, North Carolina […]

These days, it can feel like you’re nobody if you’re not killing it on social media. With folks habitually checking Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter, it’s as though your life on the web means more than what’s really going on in your day-to-day. And being a social media influencer is the new popular—you’re not cool if […]

Teresa Klein claimed a 9-year-old Black boy sexually assaulted her.

What are some of your most favorite viral videos of all time? Do you remember where you were when you first saw them? Do you still remember all of the words from the video? Was it a YouTube video or was it a Vine? If you can answer these questions, you just might spend too […]